
Middle School Building 10

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Faced with a time crunch, Savannah Christian tapped CMA to assist with developing an economical, creative way to provide facilities for the expanding Middle School program on the Chatham Parkway campus.   Given an extremely tight schedule, portable temporary classrooms were originally considered, however, CMA...

Andrea B. Williams Elementary

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Serving as an anchor of the Savannah’s Eastside, Cogdell & Mendrala was privileged to bring Ms. Andrea B. Williams’ vision for education to life in her namesake building through the design of this pre-K through 5th grade school for the SCCPSS.  It includes core academic...

May Howard Elementary

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Originally built in the 1950’s, May Howard is a longstanding community center for the Wilmington Island area.  Cogdell & Mendrala was selected to design a 105,000 square foot replacement structure to better serve the students and faculty.  With a $22 million budget, the 2-story facility...

Woodville-Tompkins Technical & Career Institute – Phase II

Phase II of the multi-phase master plan includes a 37,500 square foot new facility to house instructional labs Automotive Technology, Collision Repair and Refinishing, Construction Technology, and Sheet Metal and Welding with brazing and welding stations. Each program suite includes a classroom with two office...

Bryan County Schools

McAllister Elementary School and New Bryan County Elementary School were developed simultaneously for the Bryan County School System.  Of particular note, the design is based on the Godley Station K-8 prototype originally prepared for the Savannah-Chatham County School System....

Hesse K-8 School

CMA designed the new pre-K through 8th grade school for the SCCPSS. It includes core academic spaces, computer labs, a media center, visual and performing arts labs, administration, dining facilities, and a gymnasium. Academic classrooms make up a central 2-story “T” with wings housing the...

Windsor Forest High School Gymnasium

The 28,000 square foot physical education facility for the SCCPSS Windsor Forest High School is a stand-alone addition on an existing campus. Built to house a competition level gymnasium equipped with locker rooms, offices and weight training amenities, this structure replaced the out-dated underutilized PE...

Godley Station K-8 School

This SCCPSS K-8 school features a wide corridor serving as a central spine along which those functions serving all grades are located.  Three classroom wings, each housing a specific age group, project from the spine.   Utilizing generously sized windows, the wing layout takes advantage of...

Woodville-Tompkins Technical & Career Institute – Phase I

The SCCPSS Woodville-Tompkins Technical & Career Institute provides instruction and hands-on training to high school students in a variety of career pathways. By making significant alterations to an existing middle school facility, real-world environments were created to immerse students in chosen careers such as Culinary...

Eckburg Center

The Eckburg Center is a Athletic and Fine Arts Facility that includes a 1600 seat athletic arena with all the necessary support functions. When floor seating is added, capacity increases to approximately 2000 in order to function as a performance venue with a comprehensive A/V...

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